Er kan weer gekart worden! Corona Protocol A la Kart

S.K.V. A la Kart Corona Protocol (17-05)

All members are allowed to drive again as of 19 May 2020. Everyone needs to adhere to this protocol. Always follow instructions from Kartbaan Oldenzaal employees!

1 – Follow the Corona Protocol of Kartbaan Oldenzaal
Do not go in case of feeling unwell yourself or someone in your household having one of the following symptoms: the cold, runny nose, throat ache, mild cough, fever (from >37,5 °C), loss of smell/taste.

2 – Keep 1,5 m distance at all times (1 kart length)
Max 1 person in the shed.

3 – Clean your hands with alcohol based hand sanitizer when you arrive at the track
The alcohol based hand sanitizer will be supplied by the club.

4 – Maximum drivers = 4 (2 per kart)
Driving is only possible after confirmation of one of the board members. A list with drivers allowed to go for each day be created and shared among the members. Admission will be on first come first serve basis. In case there are more registrations than spaces, the drivers which haven’t driven yet have preference.

5 – Safety gear and clothing
Preferably buy/use your own safety gear (helmet, shoes, gloves) and kart suit. If you don’t have them, wear your own suitable clothing: Sturdy shoes, long pants and long sleeve tops. Hoodies are not allowed. For now, it is tolerated to drive without overall if your clothes are sturdy enough.

If you do want to use an overall from the club, pick one from the crate with the current day on it. These overalls have been in the crate for at least a week and should be relatively safe to use. At the end of the day, dump them back in the same crate so they can rest another week.

Helmets can be borrowed from the club, they will have to be cleaned with alcohol spray (supplied by the club). Clean them thoroughly before and after use.

6 – Tools
Tools can only be used when one wears hand gloves;
Tools have to be cleaned after each session (With brake cleaner).

7 – Driving
Only the driver can leave the near vicinity of the shed in the kart. The helpers will have to limit their movement around the premises of Kartbaan Oldenzaal.